The Three Different Types Of Feed Tanks

Posted on: 11 October 2019

Feed tank is a term that can refer to three different pieces of equipment in three different industries. While they are miles apart in their function in terms of importance, they are all vital to their respective productions. While no one is likely confusing one for the other, it is still interesting to go through what makes the feed tank such an essential part of each industry and what their similarities and differences are. 

Feed Water Tanks

Feed water tanks, or water feed tanks, are part of many industrial and manufacturing systems where steam power is necessary. If there is an excess of steam, then this will go directly into the feed water tanks and be recycled through a cooling process. Once it is cooled back into water, the feed water tanks feed the water back into heating system through a few different piping systems. If there is an overload of steam for whatever reason, then this steam can be fed back into the feed water tanks for safe storage to ensure there is no breach in the tanks. In this way, feed water tanks also play an important role in the safety of any industrial process they are involved in.

​Chemical Feed Tanks

Chemical feed tanks are also used for the storage and dispersion of many different types of chemicals in a variety of purposes. These chemicals require a special container because they generally need specific storage conditions to ensure they remain potent and ready to be used when needed. One of the many ways chemical feed tanks are used is in the filtration and creation of widespread, potable drinking water. In that process, the chemical feed tanks store chlorine that then kills bacteria, making it safer for the public to drink. If you need to store a liquid chemical that is too corrosive or dangerous in regular tanks, then a chemical feed tank could be for you.

Agricultural Feed Tank

Of course, the best-known type of feed tank is the one used in agriculture production. In this case, feed literally refers to the food that is stored for future consumption by farmed animals rather than feed as in the process of which something is dispersed into something else as it meant in the previous two definitions. When the farmer needs more food for their animals, there is a simple switch that allows the food to pour out into easily accessible areas. Agricultural food tanks allow the widespread farming of many different types of animals year-round and are an important part of the industry.


My Manufacturing Blog

The world of manufacturing is fascinating. I was first introduced to this world by my uncle who works at a local manufacturing plant. While I was still at school, my uncle invited me to attend work with him as part of my work experience placement. I was away on my work experience for two weeks and I can honestly say that I loved every minute of it. Since that time, I had been having long chats with my uncle so I could learn all I needed to know about the industrial and manufacturing sector. I decided to start this blog so I could share some of my new-found knowledge.

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